Quienes Somos
Misión & Campos estratégicos
Reuniones Anuales
The 'New Extensionist'
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
RAS Policy Compendium
Global Good Practices
TIC en Servicios de Asesoría Rural
Nutricion y SAR
Organizaciones de Productores de SCA
Igualdad de Género en SAR
Iniciativa de Evaluación
Publicaciónes del GFRAS
Global Good Practices
RAS Policy Compendium
New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK
Directorio Proveedores Extensión
Estudio Mundial de Extensión
Todos los documentos
Community Area
Redes regionales
Foros País
Grupos de Trabajo
Youth Working Group
Consorcio sobre educacion
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
Nutricion y SAR
Consorcio sobre educacion
Lista de expertos
GFRAS Update
Eventos del GFRAS
Otros Eventos
Búsqueda avanzada
Directorio Formadores Extensión
Lista de Expertos
Reinventing Value Chains
Safety Measures
Quienes Somos
Misión & Campos estratégicos
Reuniones Anuales
The 'New Extensionist'
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
RAS Policy Compendium
Global Good Practices
TIC en Servicios de Asesoría Rural
Nutricion y SAR
Organizaciones de Productores de SCA
Igualdad de Género en SAR
Iniciativa de Evaluación
Publicaciónes del GFRAS
Global Good Practices
RAS Policy Compendium
New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK
Directorio Proveedores Extensión
Estudio Mundial de Extensión
Todos los documentos
Community Area
Redes regionales
Foros País
Grupos de Trabajo
Youth Working Group
Consorcio sobre educacion
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
Nutricion y SAR
Consorcio sobre educacion
Lista de expertos
GFRAS Update
Eventos del GFRAS
Otros Eventos
Búsqueda avanzada
Directorio Formadores Extensión
Lista de Expertos
Reinventing Value Chains
Safety Measures
Quienes Somos
Misión & Campos estratégicos
Reuniones Anuales
The 'New Extensionist'
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
RAS Policy Compendium
Global Good Practices
TIC en Servicios de Asesoría Rural
Nutricion y SAR
Organizaciones de Productores de SCA
Igualdad de Género en SAR
Iniciativa de Evaluación
Publicaciónes del GFRAS
Global Good Practices
RAS Policy Compendium
New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK
Directorio Proveedores Extensión
Estudio Mundial de Extensión
Todos los documentos
Community Area
Redes regionales
Foros País
Grupos de Trabajo
Youth Working Group
Consorcio sobre educacion
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
Nutricion y SAR
Consorcio sobre educacion
Lista de expertos
GFRAS Update
Eventos del GFRAS
Otros Eventos
Búsqueda avanzada
Directorio Formadores Extensión
Lista de Expertos
Reinventing Value Chains
Safety Measures
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Rural Advisory Services: Insights from the GFRAS Webinar
Transforming Rural Livelihoods: A Glimpse into the Last Mile Project's Impact in Bangladesh
GFRAS Report: Digital Advisory Services - Global Lessons in Scaling Up Solutions
Recent Trends in Contemporary Digital Rural Advisory Services
NAAAN Report: Feeding North America Through Agricultural Extension
GFRAS Impact Stories
Transforming Extension and Advisory Services to Promote Agroecology
Guidance Note on the Customization of NELK Module “Facilitation for Development” in Bangladesh AESA and BAEN (April 2021)
Full publication: Global Capacity Needs Assessment (GCNA) methodology - Integrating nutrition objectives into agricultural extension and advisory services programmes and policies
Emerging GFRAS Regional Network: NAAAN - North American Agricultural Advisory Network
FAO-GFRAS: Global Learning Needs Assessment for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture
Side Event: Experience Capitalisation
Complete Report: Strengthening Partnerships and Professionalization in Agricultural Extension in Guinea
DLEC Factsheet - Strengthening Partnerships and Professionalization in Agricultural Extension in Guinea
Register Now: GFRAS Online Annual Meeting “Preparing Advisers for Digital Era”
COVID-19 Stories: Winners Announcement
New Publication: Agricultural Extension in Transition Worldwide
Operational Plan 2021-2025: Consultation
COVID-19 Outbreak
Final Report - 10GAM - Jamaica
Final Report - Assessment of Achievements of the GFRAS Operational Plan 2016-2021
Ongoing Experience Capitalization Course
AESA Publication - Conversations on Extension: Taking Stock and Shaping the Future
Carl Larsen is GFRAS’ new Executive Secretary
RELASER officially becomes a TAP partner
AESA: The First Six Years
New FAO Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool
What Works in Rural Advisory Services?
GFRAS Nutrition-Sensitive Extension Library
New NELK Plus Module on Nutrition-Sensitive Extension
GFRAS Issues Papers
Revised GFRAS Policy Compendium
Agricoolture - Making Agriculture Cool Again
Capacity Assessment of Regional Networks
Enhancing Knowledge and Experience Sharing along the Mekong River
Professionalisation of Rural Advisory Services
Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Value Chains: Promising Experiences and the Role of Rural Advisory Services
Manual on Good Practices in Extension Research and Evaluation
Rural Advisory Services and Empowered Youth for Balanced Transformation in Rural and Urban Communities
Testing the New Extensionist Learning Kit
Unleashing the Power of Youth in RAS
Integrating Nutrition into Rural Advisory Services and Extension
Developing the New Extensionist Learning Kit
Reunión Anual 2016: Papel de los Servicios de Asesoría Rural (SAR) para un Agroemprendimiento Inclusivo
Social media policy guidelines for agricultural extension and advisory services
Community Knowledge Workers
Equipping the locals for the New Extensionist
Winners of the GFRAS Creative Competition: Youth in RAS
Video for Agricultural Extension
The New Extensionist: Core Competencies for Individuals
Championing the New Extensionist
Rural Resource Centres: A Community Approach to Agricultural Extension
Taking the ‘New Extensionist’ to the Policy Dialogue Level
Competencia Creativa GFRAS: La Juventud en los Servicios de Asesoría Rural y Extensión Agrícola
New Advances in Extension Research Methodologies
West and Central Africa Network of Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (RESCAR-AOC) launched
The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China towards more sustainable food security and nutrition
Mekong Extension Learning Alliance established
Hanoi Statement on Rural Advisory Service Systems
6th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2015
Western and Central Africa Regional RAS Network launched
Producer Organisations in Rural Advisory Services: Evidence and Experiences
Reaching Millions: A learning event on innovation in rural advisory services to reach large populations
E-Discussion: What do we mean by agripreneurship?
Assessing Capacity Needs of EAS in South Asia
GFRAS Strategy Review 2015
2nd Meeting of Indian Extension Network (IEN)
Social Media: New Generation Tools for Agricultural Extension ?
Tailoring rural advisory services to family farms
Regional Conference on Rural Advisory Services (RAS) in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Global Dialogue on Family Farming
Committee on World Food Security
Global Good Practices in Rural Advisory Services Initiative
5ta Reunión Anual del GFRAS 2014
New country fora in India and Bangladesh
Country Forum of Madagascar founded
Linking Agricultural Science to Smallholders
GFRAS Highlights in 2013
GFRAS signs MoU with FAO and elects new chairs
Gender Equality in Rural Advisory Services
Farmer Forum 2014
How Farmer's organizations can contribute to rural advisory services
Caribbean Extension Network launched
The Integration of Nutrition into Extension and Advisory Services
Extension & Advisory Services for Agriculture Risk Management
Management Advice for Family Farms in West Africa
Caribbean Extension Meeting on “Networking for Change”
4ta Reunión Anual del GFRAS 2013 Alemagna
Regional Networks
3rd RELASER Annual Meeting
Atelier d’harmonisation des stratégies pour la mise en place de RESCAR-AOC
3rd GFRAS Annual Meeting
Building Knowledge Systems in Agriculture
GFRAS Roster of Extension Experts
GFRAS has joined the CIARD movement
3ra Reunión Anual de GFRAS, Filipinas 2012
Guide to Extension Evaluation
GFRAS Annual Report 2011
Sourcebook on Agricultural Innovation Systems
Rural Advisory Services Worldwide
Resolutions of the 2nd Annual GFRAS Meeting 2011
What are the three main priorities for RAS in the coming years?
Quienes Somos
Misión & Campos estratégicos
Reuniones Anuales
4ra Reunion Annual
Directrices para Aportes
Directrices para Aportes
Directrices para Aportes
Directrices para Aportes
Directrices para Aportes
5ta Reunion Annual
Participantes que cubren sus gastos
Organización de eventos paralelos
Participantes patrocinados
Contribución en una sesión paralela sobre políticas de SAR – evidencias y prácticas
Aporte a la feria de intercambio
Aporte a la sesión sobre el fortalecimiento de la red a través de colaboraciones
6ta Reunión Anual
Organización de la Reunión Anual: Partes interesadas involucradas y responsabilidades
Participación y Inscripción
Tema y Objetivos
Programa y Detalles Sobre la Reunió
7ma Reunion Annual
Bienvenidos al la 7ma Reunión Anual de GFRAS
8va Reunion Anual
Bienvenidos al la 8va Reunión Anual de GFRAS
Su contribución al contenido de la Reunión Anual de GFRAS
Programa y Contenido
9na Reunion Anual
Bienvenidos al la 9na Reunión Anual de GFRAS
Programa y Contenido
10ma Reunión Anual
5ta Reunión Anual del GFRAS 2014 Argentina
4ta Reunión Anual del GFRAS 2013 Alemagna
3ra Reunión Anual del GFRAS, Filipinas 2012
Segunda Reunión Anual del GFRAS, Kenya 2011
Primera Reunión Intercontinental del GFRAS, Chile 2010
6ta Reunión Anual del GFRAS 2015, Kirguistán
The 'New Extensionist'
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
RAS Policy Compendium
Global Good Practices
TIC en Servicios de Asesoría Rural
Nutricion y SAR
Organizaciones de Productores de SCA
Igualdad de Género en SAR
Iniciativa de Evaluación
Publicaciónes del GFRAS
Global Good Practices
RAS Policy Compendium
New Extensionist Learning Kit NELK
Directorio Proveedores Extensión
Estudio Mundial de Extensión
Todos los documentos
Community Area
Redes regionales
Foros País
Grupos de Trabajo
Youth Working Group
Consorcio sobre educacion
GFRAS Consorcio sobre Educación de Extensión y Capacitación
Políticas para Extensión y SAR
GFRAS Working Group: Policy for Extension and Advisory Services
Nutricion y SAR
Lista de expertos
GFRAS Update
GFRAS Message Board
All topics
Guidelines for Innovation Platforms in Agricultural Research for Development
Use of phones in the development of agriculture in rural areas.
Do networks matter? A retrospective on the potential applications of social network analysis
Demonetisation and Agriculture: Lessons for Extension and Advisory Services
What role can agricultural extension and advisory services play in realizing gender equality and improved nutrition?
Job: Country Engagement Manager
How to Improve Gender Equality in Agriculture
e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition
Suggested Priorities for Policy Research to Improve Food Security and Nutrition in Eurasia
A message from the CFS Chair regarding the four impending famines in Africa
Gender and Agricultural Risk : A Gendered Approach to Agricultural Risk Assessments and Management Strategies
Nigeria: In-depth Assessment of Extension and Advisory Services
Agricultural Innovation in Ethiopia
How to develop best agriinsurance model for small farmers?
Issues Paper On The role of science, technology and innovation in ensuring food security by 2030
FAO Survey on Good practices in the Food and Agricultural Sector
Farmpreneurship : a paradigm shift
Learning cases on innovation platforms for agricultural development
The future pf food and agriculture - Trends and challenges
Towards Better Food Policies
Vacancies, Calls, Events
3-week ICRA courses and fellowship possibilities
ICRA course, Linking research to inclusive development for food security - Facing rural innovation challenges, 2017 - Now open for application
Writeshop consultancy to compile stories on research, extension approaches and case studies on climate-ready crops
Consultant needed to develop M&E instrument for GFRAS operational plan
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager wanted for Extension Project
Communications Manager needed for Extension Project
mExtension: All-in-One Mobile Phones for Agricultural Extension
Invitation for the EUFRAS-CECRA Train the Trainer program +funding opportunities
Appel d'offre en gouvernance agricole/ Tender on agricultural governance
Consultancy for 360 Degree Feedback Evaluation program
The Rockefeller Foundation Cassava Innovation Challenge
Vacancy: Communications Assistant in Mali
TOR: Develop, edit, and finalise 8 learning modules of the New Extensionist Learning Kit
Vacancy: Executive Secretary of Access Agriculture
Call for Partners - ASEAN Extension Research Project
Mid-Term Review of the Accompanying Measures Sugar Protocol (AMSP) 2011-2013 Mozambique
Call for nominations for the GCHERA World Agriculture Prize 2016
Course: Learning, action research and outreach for inclusive development
Consultancy: Capacity assessments of regional and sub-regional rural advisory services (RAS) networks and country fora
Special topics
Consortium on Extension Education and Training
Curricula review
temas de currículo universitario
Postgraduate Fellowship s in Agricultural Sciences for foreign scholars from developing countries
Postgraduate Fellowship s in Agricultural Sciences for foreign scholars from developing countries:
National Seminar on the Re-Orientation of Agricultural Education
World Economic Forum Human Capital Report 2013
Webinar 2 - GFRAS and AIAEE - key core competencies for extension work - David Dolly
Free online courses
Information on curriculum mapping
Learning Knowledge and Skills for Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods - IFAD UNESCO research project
InnovATE Country Study: The agricultural education pipeline in Honduras
Funding opportunities/ Possibilités de financement
Need two members of the consortium to be on the gender equality working group
Webinar: Extension capacities to deal with risk
PRESS RELEASE: New Volume Captures the 10-year History of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
Non-profit organization will bring agricultural education to developing countries
New issue of Journal of Extension Systems online
21st Century Extension Professional: Skills and Attributes
Mobilizing EAS
Summary of the Seminar
Hybridizing Technology: The Case of Rice Farming in Nepal
Question # 5: What is the way forward to effective and coordinated development and implementation of advisory services?
Virtual Outreach System from UWI and U of Greenwich
Question # 4: How are actors (governments, donors, private sector, NGOs) responding to those needs?
Question # 2 What are the success stories of good, effective extension?
Reply Q1
Question # 3: What are the current extension and advisory services priority needs on the ground?
1st question: What approaches/methods/tools are available for delivery of advisory services and scaling up?
Farm Services Centre (FSC)
From Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Hossain Hossain
Gender Equality in RAS
UN High Level Report for Women’s Economic Empowerment
Engendering Impact Evaluations of Land Tenure Programs
Promoting the leadership of women in producers’ organizations
Bridging the gender gap: Mobile access and usage in low- and middle-income countries
How much of the labor in African agriculture is provided by women ?
Integrating Gender into Extension Services
Why agricultural research should be gender-inclusive
Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security
Free web course - gender-sensitive governance
Closing the gender gap in farming under climate change: New knowledge for renewed action
F@RMLETTER: Women Farmers
Webinar: Women in Agriculture - A Toolkit for Mobile Service Practitioners
Engaging Men and Boys in Food and Nutrition Security: The Hidden Half of Gender Equality Programming
Female Farmer Project Shares Stories of Women in Agriculture
Breaking the glass ceiling: Women agricultural scientists
Linkedin Group of GAP
Quick Guide to Promoting Women's Participation
A (women)farmer-first approach – a case study from Papua New Guinea
Levelling the field: Improving opportunities for women farmers in Africa
Transforming Gender Relations in Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Social pictures
Callow Project
we would like your support and guidance to make this concept into reality. for creating small video clippings for extension activities for farmers thr
we would like your support and guidance to make this concept into reality. for creating small video clippings for extension activities for farmers thr
we would like your support and guidance to make this concept into reality. for creating small video clippings for extension activities for farmers thr
Call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture
Fighting Post-Harvest Losses Through Mobile-Friendly Video
Online Resource to the Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture
Call for Digital Technology Innovations for Resilience in Asia
Freedom Fone
La subvention Agricole en question, cas de Ouelessebougou au Mali
Interactive Voice Response: Its Growing Role in Agricultural Extension Services
How Digital Finance is Transforming Agriculture
Reaching Women through ICT-based Extension
ICT – Powering Behavior Change for a Brighter Agricultural Future
Using WhatsApp in RAS
Global Study of Social Media in RAS
Global Study of Social Media in RAS
Social Media in RAS
Part 2 - Is Indian Agriculture Ready for “Gadgetization”?
Policy in extension and RAS
Rural Advisory Services and International CooperationHow
3ie London Evidence Week, 13-17 October, 2014
Article: The usefulness of game theory as a method for policy evaluation
ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence
Measuring Success: Local Food Systems and the Need for New Indicators - See more at: http://www.iatp.org/documents/measuring-success-local-food-system
Participatory Policy Making for Integrated Landscape Management in Kenya
Inclusive business models in agriculture?
The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2013 : Focus on Staple Crops
Agricultural Policy Monitoring System
What do policymakers want from researchers? (and extensionists)
Food and agriculture policy decisions
IFAD released 4 briefs about the post-2015 global development agenda
Agricultural Extension in Sri Lanka
CTA Policy Learning Workshop for Improving Effectiveness of Extension and Advisory Services
5 policy recommendations for enhancing innovation by African smallholder farmers
Monitoring and analysing food and agricultural policies in Africa.
Rebuilding West Africa's Food Potential:Policies and market incentives for smallholder-inclusive food value chains -
Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture
Agricultural policies - finding the right approach
AGRA Strengthens Efforts to Help Governments Attract Private Investment in Local Agribusinesses - See more at: http://www.agra.org/news-events/news/-r
Inclusive Agripreneurship and RAS
Mapping entry-points for RAS
Stories of success and failure in agripreneurship
Is agripreneurship a must-have?
What do we mean with agripreneurship?
Producer Organisations in RAS
Cameroon: Palm oil labourers complain of terrible conditions, poor pay from plantation owners
Testing new varities of high quality potatoes in Northern Patagonia (Argentina)
Co-Creating Knowledge with Farmers
News from the Secretariat
News from the Secretariat
Berlin Charter: Creating Opportunities with the Young Generation in the Rural World
The role of science, technology and innovation in ensuring food security by 2030
Enabling Innovation for Sustainable Agri-food Development in the Americas within a Global Context
Creating the GFAR community
Broadening the funding base of GFRAS
Eventos del GFRAS
Otros Eventos
Búsqueda avanzada
Tips on How to Hold Virtual Conferences
Tips on How to Hold Online Seminars
Reinventing Value Chains
Inspiring Examples: Bangladeshi Farmers Respond to COVID-19 with Innovation and Sustainability
Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic for Food Security in the Pacific
COVID-19 in Lao PDR: Impacts on Agriculture and Rural Advisory Services
FAO: Q&A on COVID-19 Impact on Food and Agriculture
How Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Meghalaya, is supporting farmers during the COVID-19 Lockdown
FAO: COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?
What can Advisory Services do to Support Indian Farmers during COVID-19?
Learning from the Ebola Crisis
Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition
Safety Measures
African Centers of Excellence project releases two videos on managing the Pandemic
SAWBO Animation: Protecting Yourself from Coronavirus
CropLife Poster: How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 amongst Farm Workers
COVID-19 Safety Fact Sheets for Workers
COVID-19 Preparedness for RAS Stakeholders
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