The Hanoi statement was elaborated in the frame of the SDC face-to-face workshop “Reaching the Millions”, in March 2015 in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is the synthesis of the discussions, intensive group work and priorisation exercises, which took place during this six-daylong learning event. The starting point for these discussions was the results of seven studies on RAS projects and country RAS systems in Asia, as well as the experience of the 68 gathered RAS experts.
Current RAS systems are pluralistic : A multitude of service providers interacts with agricultural producers, and these service providers are funded from various sources. The purpose of the Hanoi statement is to increase the capacity of future pluralistic RAS systems to reach out to a large number of agricultural producers (“Reaching the Millions”) in a poverty oriented, ecological, and sustainable way. To this aim, the statement describes identified core aspects of RAS systems and defines the factors that are supporting them. Based on the core aspects, it provides recommendations on how development cooperation can contribute to strengthen RAS systems.
Hanoi Statement (pdf 62KB)