Good Practice Partners

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For example

NOTE 10: Rural Resource Centres: A Community Approach to Agricultural Extension

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In a rapidly changing world, farmers need a package of innovations and services, in addition to continuous access to knowledge and information. Having all this under one roof and in a rural setting can greatly accelerate adoption of innovations and increase benefits to farmers. Farmer training centres have been initiated by many actors, under different forms; for example, Maisons Familiales Rurales1, Songhaï Centres,2 and Agribusiness Development Centres. These initiatives focus on training young individuals and preparing them for a career in agriculture. However, they are less useful in serving the wider farming community for large scale adoption of agricultural innovations. Therefore, new models of community-based extension are under development.

All Global Good Practice Notes

Overview of Extension Philosophies and Methods (#0)

Governance, Structure

Agricultural Innovation Systems (#13)

Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Demand Driven Agricultural Advisory Services (#21)

Private Sector Provision of Rural Advisory Services (#29)

The Role of Producer Organisations in RAS (#12)

Capacity and Management

Management Advice for Family Farms to Strengthen Entrepreneurial Skills (#8)

Professionalisation of Rural Advisory Services  (#27)

Rural Advisory Services Curriculum Development (#28)

Rural Advisory Services for Agripreneurship Development (#30)

Advisory Methods

Community Knowledge Workers for Rural Advisory Services (#14)

Edutainment TV for disseminating information about agriculture (#22)

Enabling Rural Innovation (#5)

Extension campaigns (#24)

Farmer Field Schools (#2)

Farmer Study Circles (#20)

Farmer-to-farmer Extension (#7)

Innovation Platforms (#1)

Navigating ICTs for Extension and Advisory Services (#11)

mExtension - Mobile Phones for Agricultural Advisory Services (#17)

Mobile Based Bundled Services (#3)

Plant Health Clinics (#23)

Rural Resource Centres: A Community Approach to Agricultural Extension (#10)

Service Provision by Agri-Cooperatives Engaged in High Value Markets (#19)

Social Media for Rural Advisory Services (#15)

Using Radio in Agricultural Extension (#18)

Videos for Agricultural Extension (#6)

Web Portals for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (#16)


Integration Gender into RAS (#4)

Integrating Nutrition into RAS (#9)

Involving Men in Nutrition (#26)

Promoting Nutrition-sensitive Extension Advisory Services (#25)