Last Mile Programme

Delivering Extension Services to the Last-Mile: Improving smallholders' access to innovation and pluralistic, demand-driven extension services

Smallholder producers need more than just technical information related to production aspects. There is rarely a “one size fits all” solution to address the mix of technical, economic, commercial, social and environmental and climate change aspects that farming problems consist of. With the goal to accelerate farmers’ access to and utilisation of technologies and innovations, the IFAD-supported Last-Mile Program was designed and launched in 2019, to be implemented in two phases of three years each, plus a third phase of four years.


Key Components and Activities

Component 1: Building capacity of RAS providers through strengthened public/private partnership arrangements


1.1. Mobilising service providers and establishment of PPP for provision of RAS;

1.2. Baselines and establishing RAS observatories;

1.3. Supporting strategic planning;

1.4. Supporting formalisation of PPP governance and management organs and systems;

1.5. Supporting institutional and organisational development of the Platform;

1.6. Sustaining networking and initiating support for RAS capacity development and innovation;

1.7. Sustaining networking and developing the Platforms’ capacity for providing services on a cost-recovery basis;

1.8. Scaling out services provided on a cost-recovery basis to PPP and development actors;

1.9. Supporting the transformation of the Platforms into Public-Private Social Enterprises.

Component 2: Knowledge generation, management and communication to develop knowledge products based on lessons learned and good practices, and the promotion of South-South Cooperation for scaling-up.

2.1. Establishing a global framework for Communication and Knowledge Management (CKM);

2.2. Establishing/ strengthening network institutional and organisational capacities for CKM;

2.3. Supporting Capacities and innovation for ICT tools and platforms for ICT tools and platforms for the“last mile”;

2.4. Supporting content generation;

2.5. Supporting engagement and communication.


LMP in a Nutshell



The Country Fora play a crucial role as a functional network of RAS stakeholders at the national level that serves as a focal point for policy dialogue and as a one-stop-shop for agricultural services. The establishment of public-private partnerships for RAS delivery is actively promoted where relevant and feasible. This concept regarding the Country Fora is directing attention and sources to capacity building at the local level and strengthening Regional Networks to support countries in this development, especially with regard to partnership building, programme management and fund mobilisation. The programme has been started in 8 countries spread over three continents and will be expanded with additional funding from various sources that is actively been searched for.


Implementing Partners and Participating Countries

AFAAS - African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Representing Cameroon, Kenya, and Malawi

RELASER - Red Latinoamericana para Servicios de Extensión Rural

Representing Colombia, Costa Rica, and Grenada

AESA - Agricultural Extension in South Asia

Representing Bangladesh

CAC-FRAS - Central Asia and the Caucasus Forum for Rural Advisory Services

Representing Kyrgyzstan