Good Practice Partners

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For example

NOTE 8: Management Advice for Family Farms to Strengthen entrepreneurial skills

marine rouchousse s

In West Africa, during the 1990s, new innovative advisory methods were used that broke with the tradition of top- down public extension focusing on production, and instead helped meet the diversity of producers’ needs by using participatory methods. Management Advice for Family Farms (MAFF) is one of these approaches. MAFF has been adapted for diverse contexts and is today implemented by a wide range of actors, including non-government organisations (NGOs), producer organisations, cotton companies, and government agencies, in several African countries, reaching approximately 100,000 producers. MAFF has recently been further adapted to other contexts, including Myanmar (South East Asia), and Malawi (East Africa).

All Global Good Practice Notes

Overview of Extension Philosophies and Methods (#0)

Governance, Structure

Agricultural Innovation Systems (#13)

Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Demand Driven Agricultural Advisory Services (#21)

Private Sector Provision of Rural Advisory Services (#29)

The Role of Producer Organisations in RAS (#12)

Capacity and Management

Management Advice for Family Farms to Strengthen Entrepreneurial Skills (#8)

Professionalisation of Rural Advisory Services  (#27)

Rural Advisory Services Curriculum Development (#28)

Rural Advisory Services for Agripreneurship Development (#30)

Advisory Methods

Community Knowledge Workers for Rural Advisory Services (#14)

Edutainment TV for disseminating information about agriculture (#22)

Enabling Rural Innovation (#5)

Extension campaigns (#24)

Farmer Field Schools (#2)

Farmer Study Circles (#20)

Farmer-to-farmer Extension (#7)

Innovation Platforms (#1)

Navigating ICTs for Extension and Advisory Services (#11)

mExtension - Mobile Phones for Agricultural Advisory Services (#17)

Mobile Based Bundled Services (#3)

Plant Health Clinics (#23)

Rural Resource Centres: A Community Approach to Agricultural Extension (#10)

Service Provision by Agri-Cooperatives Engaged in High Value Markets (#19)

Social Media for Rural Advisory Services (#15)

Using Radio in Agricultural Extension (#18)

Videos for Agricultural Extension (#6)

Web Portals for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (#16)


Integration Gender into RAS (#4)

Integrating Nutrition into RAS (#9)

Involving Men in Nutrition (#26)

Promoting Nutrition-sensitive Extension Advisory Services (#25)