The GFRAS Annual Meeting is the central instrument to foster exchange on rural advisory services (RAS) between stakeholders and across regions, and to discuss GFRAS strategic directions and functioning. The GFRAS Annual Meeting contributes to all three GFRAS functions, but mainly to functions 1 (providing a voice within global policy dialogues) and 3 (strengthening actors and fora in RAS).
The GFRAS secretariat, guided by an organising committee, organises the GFRAS Annual meeting in collaboration with GFRAS members. Logistical support is provided by the host of the GFRAS Annual Meeting.
1st GFRAS Annual Meeting, Chile 2010
2nd GFRAS Annual Meeting, Kenya 2011
3rd GFRAS Annual Meeting, Philippines 2012
4th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2013 Germany
5th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2014 Argentina
6th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2015 Kyrgyzstan
7th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2016 Cameroon
8th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2017 Australia
9th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2018 South Korea
10th GFRAS Annual Meeting 2019 Jamaica
Je responsable suivi évaluation à la direction Nationale du Génie Rural en République de Guinée, j'évolue dans le développement agricole durable, et j'ai une expertise en aménagement hydroagricole et de désenclavement des zones de production.
Je voudrais participer aux différents ateliers afin d'échanger avec les autres experts pour améliorer la résilience aux changements climatiques.
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