worlbank ismailIn rural advisory services ICTs have four broad functions namely: (i) addressing the need for localized and customized information - adapted to rural users in a comprehensible format and appropriate language; (ii) helping document and store information that is usually available in very diverse qualitative and quantitative forms; (iii) enabling collaboration and partnerships for innovation among rural actors; and (iv) helping rural communities “gain a voice”. 

(from: ICT in Agriculture, The World Bank, 2011)


icon pdf Putting the horse in front of the cart. A presentation about ICT design strategy held at the ICT4Ag conference in November 2013 in Kigali by Andrea Bohn

Other presentations from this event:

icon pdf Extension & GFRAS Saravanan Raj (pdf 1.7MB)
icon pdf Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture Maximo Torero (pdf 7MB)
icon pdf ICTs for Agricultural Extension Saravanan Raj (pdf 2.2MB)
icon pdf Revisiting Extension with the ChangingArchitecture of ICTs  Benjamin Addom (pdf 1MB)