Policy and Advocacy

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    RAS policies - evidence and practice

    Context and Objectives of the Meeting

    The 5th GFRAS Annual Meeting was held from 23 to 25 September 2014 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was co-hosted by the National

  • fca madagascar

    Country Fora (CF) bring together a wide range of actors and stakeholders involved in or benefitting from rural advisory services in a country. They provide a mechanism for the diverse actors – including farmers – to exchange information, share lessons, identify

  • fca madagascar

    Los Foros País (Country Fora CF en ingles) reúnen a una amplia gama de actores y grupos de interés involucrados en ó que se benefician de los servicios de asesoría rural en un país.  Proporcionan un mecanismo para que los diversos actores -incluyendo los

  • fca madagascar

    Les forums nationaux (CF Country Fora en anglais) rassemblent un large éventail d’acteurs et de parties prenantes participant à ou bénéficiant des services de conseil rural (SCR) dans un pays. Ils fournissent un mécanisme permettant aux divers

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    Generating and applying new knowledge is important for all enterprises, including farming. But, quite often, new knowledge that can enhance productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability in farming is not widely adopted at scale. This lack of innovation in agriculture has led to the

  • Experience from the East African Agricultural Extension and Rural Advisory Policy Dialogue

    East Africa Policy DialogueGFRAS in partnership with the African Forum for Agriculture Advisory Services (...