Nutrition is important in everyone’s lives, but what good nutrition specifically means may mean different things to different members of a community or family. Women may be the ones who prepare food, but they often have less influence on household decisions including what foods they prepare. It is important to include men in discussions as they may be making
Food provides essential nutrients to help one perform daily activities, to support growth, to maintain energy, and to keep one healthy. The purpose of the “Basics of Nutrition” fact sheet is to provide an overview of the nutrients that people need to consume on a daily basis.
INGENAES Activity Sheet July 2016
A variety of foods from the different food groups need to be consumed on a daily basis to provide the body with energy, protect the body, and to help build the body. The purpose of the “How Different Foods Help” activity sheet is to help families plan to consume a variety of foods on a daily basis.
Even though many smallholder farmers around the world have been able to increase production and earn higher incomes from farming, what families eat and their nutritional status has not necessarily improved. People may not realize it, but some may suffer as a result of poor nutrition.
A variety of foods from the different food groups need to be consumed on a daily basis to provide the body with energy, protect the body, and to help build the body. The purpose of the “How Different Foods Help” tip sheet is to encourage you to promote eating different foods, also called balanced meals or dietary diversity, on a daily basis to the people you meet
INGENAES Technical Note
Aflatoxins play an important role in household health and nutrition.
Aflatoxins are fungal toxins produced by Aspergillus flavusand Aspergillus parasiticus.Aspergillus is a common form of mold that can colonize and contaminate food before harvest or during storage, especially following a drought or prolonged exposure to a
INGENAES Material Informativo
En muchos países de América Latina, las dietas se basan en "granos básicos" - maíz y frijoles. Muchas familias de los sectores rurales dependen de los granos básicos para solventar sus necesidades alimentarias. En Honduras los granos básicos desempeñan un importante rol en el aspecto social y económico. El maíz y los frijoles representan el 12% del PIB
INGENAES Activity Sheet
Women and men are likely to have different objectives for participating in agricultural value chains, and different abilities to access and use new technologies and information. Understanding these differences in terms of gender-based opportunities and constraints around decision-making, access and control of resources, and women's ability to engage in
In many Latin American countries, diets are based around “basic grains” – corn and beans. Many rural poor families depend on basic grains for their survival, and they are considered the most important crops to the social and economic life of Hondurans. Corn and beans represent twelve percent of the agricultural GDP and generate about 300,000 permanent jobs in
INGENAES Activity Sheed
Iron is critical for adolescent (ages 12-19 years) females for their red blood cells and to reduce illness. The purpose of the “Iron Needs for Female Adolescents” activity sheet is to encourage participants to consume iron on a daily basis.
En muchos países latinoamericanos, el café es considerado uno de los principales cultivos de exportación. Muchas familias rurales utilizan las ganancias obtenidas de la venta de café como una fuente importante de ingresos. En Honduras la producción de café se calcula que es el 26% del 60% de la producción agrícola total (FAO, 2015). El café es un cultivo
Extension advisory services (EAS) support smallholders to improve the productivity and efficiency of their farms and to take decisions on the outlook of their business. Extension advisory services include not only government extension services, but also services organised and funded by
Men often have priority when it comes to food: they may eat before everyone else and enjoy the most nutritious food. Women and children can be left with smaller portions and less nutritious meals. This exposes women and girls to a range of harmful physical and emotional health outcomes.
There is a heightened awareness globally and within development institutions and governments of the need to better understand the links between agriculture and nutrition, and to decipher the ways in which the agriculture sector
Proper nutrition is needed to prevent illness, to re-stablish the balance and to reduce further issues with the condition. The purpose of the “Nutrition during Illness” Activity Sheet is to encourage those who are ill to eat nutritious foods on a daily basis.
ntroducing solid foods, also known as complementary feeding, to infants is an important part of their growth and development. The purpose of the “Nutrition for 6-9 month old Infants” Activity Sheet is to explain how to properly introduce solid foods to children.
Proper nutrition for active adults is necessary to maintain strength, energy, and to reduce injuries and illness. The purpose of the “Nutrition for those who are Active” activity sheet is to encourage active adults to eat nutritious foods on a daily basis.
Proper nutrition is critical for pregnant women, especially for them to feel well and active, for the growth and health of the baby, to facilitate the delivery, and to support breastfeeding. The purpose of the “Nutrition for Pregnant Women” Activity Sheet is to encourage women to eat nutritious foods on a daily basis during
Proper nutrition during our “golden years” is necessary to maintain bone and joint strength, brain health, and reduce illness. The purpose of the “Nutrition for the Elderly” Activity Sheet is to encourage elders to eat nutritious foods on a daily basis.
Providing toddlers (ages 9 -24 months) proper nutrition is an important part of their growth and development. The purpose of the “Nutrition for Toddlers” Activity Sheet is to encourage parents to feed their toddlers nutritious foods on a daily basis.
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