
GFRAS Social Media Study Page 01Since the introduction of social media, communication is becoming more and more dynamic every day. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have 1.18 billion and 316 million active monthly users as of 2015. Communication has become more virtual than physical. More and more people – young and old alike – are fascinated by the social media and it is a trend that is not going down very soon. For a long period in the future, social media is going to shape the way people interact, share information, form opinions and also lead individual and collective actions. In a world where social media etiquettes are probably more important than table manners, ignoring it is not something that the development sector can afford to do. Especially for agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS), whose primary element is communication, social media can be a potential goldmine. The GFRAS global survey on use of social media in agricultural extension and advisory services conducted online across 60 countries and 226 respondents provides interesting results. 

22 février 2016