
  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: Jeanette Andrade

    INGENAES Activity Sheed

    Iron is critical for adolescent (ages 12-19 years) females for their red blood cells and to reduce illness. The purpose of the “Iron Needs for Female Adolescents” activity sheet is to encourage participants to consume iron on a daily basis.


  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: Jeanette Andrade

    INGENAES Activity Sheet

    Proper nutrition is needed to prevent illness, to re-stablish the balance and to reduce further issues with the condition. The purpose of the “Nutrition during Illness” Activity Sheet is to encourage those who are ill to eat nutritious foods on a daily basis.


  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: Jeanette Andrade

    INGENAES Fact Sheet

    ntroducing solid foods, also known as complementary feeding, to infants is an important part of their growth and development. The purpose of the “Nutrition for 6-9 month old Infants” Activity Sheet is to explain how to properly introduce solid foods to children.


  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: Liberty Galvin

    INGENAES Info Sheet

    Families need to eat certain foods to help them stay strong, healthy, productive and smart. One important nutrient that some foods provide is vitamin A. When you don’t get enough vitamin A from the foods you eat, you have trouble seeing at night and other vision problems, and you may become more vulnerable to other illnesses, such as diarrhea and measles. Children
