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IKP Center for Advancement. In Agricultural Practice (ICAAP)

The vision of ICAAP is to implement sustainable programs to benefit smallholder farmers and to increase farm income and productivity.


To improve agricultural productivity and farm income in India for small-holder farmers through improvements in agricultural practices, by acting as a bridge between the knowledge available at research laboratories and academia and organisations that directly interact with small-holder farmers.

About Us

IKP Centre for Advancement in Agricultural Practices (ICAAP) is jointly owned by IKP Trust (51%) and IFMR Trust (49%) (www.ifmr.co.in) and is a Company under Section 25 of the Companies Act (1956). It has entered into a partnership with the Agricultural Extension team of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) for fulfilling its mission.
  • NGO Research Network Education/Training
    Eastern Asia
    Abdul Rahman Ilyas
    This database is a collection of different datasets and partly also generated by users. Some date may be outdated or faulty. Please help us keeping it up to date and report corrections. Thank you!
    20. 05. 2003