Registration GAM 2019

You are about to register as a participant for the GFRAS Annual Meeting 2019.

Please find further information on the registration and selection process here.

In order to make the registration process as effective as possible, kindly:

  • note you will have to fill the registration form in one go;
  • carefully and truthfully fill the registration form, as we will use this information to prepare the letter of invitation for your visa application process;
  • make sure you have an electronic copy of your actual passport with which you will travel to Jamaica handy, as you will be required to upload it at the last page of the registration;
  • do not use only upper case letters when filling out the fields;
  • note that you will receive an email confirmation of the submission of your registration. If you do not receive this email in the coming minutes, please check your spam folder and contact the Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..
  • participants requesting sponsorship are kindly requested to upload, in the specific field and in one combined file, a CV and a motivation letter.

Please check the Annual Meeting website for more information on costs and logistics. The registration shall not take you more than 10-15 minutes (depending on your internet connectivity).

In order to register, kindly fill this form.