The crucial link between science, agriculture, gender and business

Sustainable and inclusive agriculture-driven transformation for Africa requires a long-term view. That transformation must also recognise the critical role of research and development in building agribusinesses that provide employment, food security and drive African prosperity. Agricultural value chains start well before the farm gate; they start at the research stage. Scientists make decisions that have critical bearings on what happens across the entire value chain. Whether it’s breeding for preferable traits in commodities like tomatoes so they don’t bruise on the way to market or maize varieties that can be harvested later in the season to avoid market gluts. Agricultural research scientists make many important upstream innovations that enable agri-preneurs to thrive and be profitable. For sustainable and long-term transformation, Africa cannot afford to outsource its agricultural innovation needs. We need to ensure African agri-preneurs, especially the farmers, have access to appropriate innovation that helps them respond to Africa’s unique challenges, especially in the context of climate change. Africa’s research institutions such as the National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES), and our universities’ research and development departments deserve enhanced investments.

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