

This report is a component of DLEC’s initial diagnostic work and is a desk study of EAS in Liberia. The USAID Country Development Cooperation Strategy for Liberia 2013-2017 has Sustained Market-Driven Economic Growth as one of its Development Objectives (USAID/Liberia, n.d.). Relative to EAS, the approach to achieve this development objective encompasses support for Government of Liberia (GOL) reforms to redefine and reorganize its systems for delivering extension as well as support to enhance both public and private provision of extension (USAID/Liberia, n.d.). The purpose of this report is to provide information on the status of EAS in Liberia by building on existing literature and to make recommendations for future EAS interventions to strengthen Liberia’s EAS system that could contribute to the DLEC learning agenda. Recommendations are intended for consideration by any interested EAS stakeholder.

08 December 2017