Reports from Events


From March 20-22, 2017, a group of fifteen Nepali innovators that together reach millions of nutrition-sensitive agriculture stakeholders gathered to explore how they could collaborate to promote family nutrition (see Appendix 1 for participant list). Together individuals brought expertise in agricultural extension, nutrition extension, ICT development and youth civic engagement, and represented government, private and civil society sectors. 

This effort reflected exploratory research findings that identified the potential of linking these arenas to take on the cultural, social and informational barriers to nutrition-sensitive agriculture, with a particular emphasis on potential/returning migrant workers and their families (INGENAES publication by Pokharel, Erbstein and Budhathoki, forthcoming 2017). The workshop was designed to build relationships and share knowledge across these typically disconnected sectors in order to generate ideas, practices and action at their intersections. A highly participatory process involving all as presenters and members of work groups produced rich information about enhancing family nutrition via agricultural extension, ICT and youth engagement in Nepal. 

24 April 2018


This document summarizes the online discussion. Integrating nutrition into the curricula of agriculture education institutions: Strengthening human capacity to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture held on FAO’s Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 10 to 27 November 2015. 

Over the three weeks of discussion, 36 contributions were shared by participants from 18 countries. The topic introduction and questions proposed as well as all contributions received are available on the discussion page: 

05 April 2018


FSN Forum summary AEAS nutrition gender Page 01This document summarizes the online discussion What role can Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services play in realizing gender equality and improved nutrition? which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 19 June to 9 July 2017. The discussion was facilitated by Hajnalka Petrics, Soniia David and Fatima Hachem from FAO, and Edye Kuyper from INGENAES.

In this discussion, participants shared ideas on the role Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) should have with regard to broader development. Participants were, in particular, invited to submit examples of AEAS successfully addressing gender inequalities and improved nutrition, but also to discuss the challenges that have impeded them to do so. Furthermore, participants were asked what the role and main activities of a global forum such as the GFRAS Nutrition Working Group should be in helping AEAS to become more gender-sensitive and able to contribute to improved nutrition.

03 April 2018