Public Sector
Minesterio de Agricultura - Ministry of Agriculture
Governmental or Ministry-based Extension
Programa para la Innovación y Competitividad del Agro Peruano PIEA-INCAGRO
INCAGRO is a public investment program of the Peruvian Government, which is part of the National Agricultural Innovation InstituteINIA and the Ministry of Agriculture. Among other activities, INCAGRO is financing business plan based extension projects.Public Research Institutions with Extension Unit
Instituto Nacional de Innovacion Agraria (National Institute for Agrarian Innovation),INIA
The main function of INIA is research and technology transfer; it does not have a direct extension mandate. Technology transfer isdirected to technical assistance providers("proveedores de asistencia tecnica", PAT)who are conducting the extension to theproducers. However, due to demand from producers in many cases the INIA carries out its extension through transferenceteams in the experimental stations locatedin various regions of the country.
INIA is in the process of change to becomethe lead agency for agricultural innovation in the country, which shall include the development of the agricultural extensionservice for various public and privateagents.(personal communication, Elmer Peralta, Feb. 2011)
Semi-autonomous Governmental Extension Organizations
Instituto de Transferencia de Tecnologías Apropiadas para Sectores Marginales, ITACAB
"ITACAB is a specialized agency of the Andrés Bello, public international law, working in 12 countries in Latin America and its nameexpresses its function: Institute of appropriate technologies for marginal areas.
Ing. Mg. Sc. José Sánchez Narvaez
Coordinador de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
ITACAB Convenio Andrés Bello
Lima Perú
Non-Governmental Organizations
- Central Association for Transfer of Technologies
- Organizacion Para La Ecologia y la Vida, Eco-Vida
- Promotion of Development Institute
- World Food Program
List of Extension Providers
The following list shows an excerpt from the GFRAS Directory of Extension Providers for Peru. Some of these entries may be specially marked for having more detailed information in the database of the Worldwide Extension Study WWES.