Public Sector
Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas, MADRP - Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
Non-Governmental Organizations and Associations
- MINHA TERRA - Federação Portuguesa de Associações de Desenvolvimento Local
- ANIMAR - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local
Farmer Based Organizations
- CNA - Confederação Nacional da Agricultura
- CONFAGRI-Confederação Nacional de Cooperativas Agrícolas
- CAP- Conferderação dos Agricultores de Portugal
- FORESTIS- Associação Florestal de Portugal
- AGROBIO – Associação Portuguesa de Agricultura Biológica
Related Resources
Baptista, Alberto; Cristóvão, Artur. 2011. New Extension Organizations for Rural Development: Nature, Missions and Challenges. Paper presented at 20th ESEE, Helsinki, Finland. Authors are at UTAD, Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies, Vila Real, Portugal (document attached below with permission, 9/2011).
List of Extension Providers
The following list shows an excerpt from the GFRAS Directory of Extension Providers for Portugal. Some of these entries may be specially marked for having more detailed information in the database of the Worldwide Extension Study WWES.