COVID-19 Stories: Winners Announcement


Here are the winners!



1st place: Nishat Salsabil Khan (Youth Category) - "Students Come to the Rescue of Farmers Affected by COVID-19"


1st place: Louiza Tita (General Category) - "Coping with Smallholder Agriculture
against COVID-19 in Cameroon"

1st place: Cynthia Jeh Mkong (Youth Category) - "Cameroon's Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains"


1st place: Heidi Johanna Rojas Cardena (General Category) - "Enterprising Rural Women in La Cabaña"

1st place: Estiven Hernandez Rivera (Youth Category) - "Success Stories on How the Agricultural Sector Fights COVID-19 (Video)"

2nd place: Sandra Milena Tellez Muñoz (General Category) - "The Best Decision"

2nd place: Juan Sebastian Paez Tellez (Youth Category) - "A Life Project to be Happy"

3rd place: Angela Mayorga Cetina (General Category) - "El Yarumo"

3rd place: Witiman Andrés Canacue Ortiz (Youth Category) - "If Aquaponics Is Not the Answer, Then What Is?"


1st place: Jay Shears (Youth Category) - "Using Social Media to Sell Produce: An Alternative for Farmers"

2nd place: Jay Shears (Youth Category) - "Using Social Media to Advertise his Produce (Video)"


1st place: Hudson Wereh (General Category) - "Tackling the Enemy: COVID-19 Control Measures"

1st place: Kevin Lunzalu (Youth Category) - "Local Cluster-Based Food Value Chain: Solving Supply Disruption in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic"

2nd place: Kevin Lunzalu (Youth Category) - "Young Kenyan Farmer Remains
Resilient To Beat Food Value Chain Break Amid Virus Outbreak"


1st place: Joseph Gondwe (Youth Category) - "New Opportunities within the Dark Days of COVID-19"

2nd place: Clement Musipiwa (Youth Category) - "Keeping Fish Farming
Practical Amidst COVID-19"

3rd place: Elizabeth Mandala (Youth Category) - "Poultry Farmer: Making Ends Meet with Homemade Feed"