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AFAAS African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services    Logo RESCAR web     MINADER    ICRAF

Parallel Sessions

The following three parallel sessions were held:

Individual capacity needs of RAS to strengthen inclusive agripreneurship

Guiding questions:

  • What is the role of RAS providers in strengthening inclusive agripreneurship? How effective are they?
  • What capacities, especially skills and competencies, do RAS providers need to become more effective in their role and how can they be strengthened?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges that RAS providers face in this context and how can they be seized or overcome?


Organisational capacity needs of RAS to strengthen inclusive agripreneurship

Guiding questions:

  • What role can RAS organisations play, especially RAS networks and country fora, to enhance inclusive agripreneurship in their context? How effective are they?
  • What capacities do RAS organisations need to assume and become more effective in this role and how can they be strengthened?
  • What opportunities and challenges do RAS organisations face in this context and how can they be seized or overcome?


System-level capacity needs of RAS to strengthen inclusive agripreneurship

Guiding questions:

  • What is the role of enabling environments for RAS to enhance inclusive agripreneurship? 
  • What settings are needed at a system-level to enable agripreneurship and strengthen the role of RAS in this?
  • What are the system-level opportunities and challenges for RAS to promote inclusive agripreneurship and how can they be seized and overcome?
