This article aims to present the evolution of the main facts in Brazilian RAS and its recent history, focusing on institutional and legal changes, showing some relevant data derived from official sources with support from specialized literature.
Institutionalized rural advisory services in Brazil emerged during the 1950s and played an important role in the modernization of some sectors of its agriculture. However, they faced many difficulties that resulted in a long term crisis, which only recently began to be solved. Despite the progress of public policies, huge challenges remain in the way of providing quality and continuous services to all farmers.
This document is the result of a series of interviews carried out in November 2012 with extensionists, university professors, researchers, technicians, and extension service coordinators from different states in Brazil. A total of 14 professionals from CATI, ESALQUSP, EMPAER-MT, EMBRAPA, and independent consultants were interviewed. The information shared by those professionals was combined to build a narrative, showing an overview of the current rural extension practices in Brazil.
ILAC Working Paper 14
Power Point Presentation held at the Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services International Conference in Nairobe, 15. - 18. November 2011.