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  •   Beatriz Caballero reaccionó a esta publicación acerca de hace 1 mes
    Hi, I am Maria Auxiliadora Briones, I´m the Executive Secretaria of RELASER, as a profession I´m a Dr. of Economic Sciences, have more than 25 years of experience working with rural innovations systems and extension public and private stakeholders in LAC
    • Lucky to hear from you coz we the young Agriculturalist we really need to share with people like you
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This Community of Practice is part of a collaboration between GFRAS and the “Enabling Farmers for Agricultural Transformation (EFAT)” Project. EFAT is implemented by Winrock International and funded globally by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Our online Community of Practice is a space to foster interaction, promote debates on agricultural extension, offer resources as well as events within members, along with many other actions.

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