Shift & Share presentations will be organised and take place during the GFRAS Annual Meeting. Presenters will be allocated to different areas or ‘stations’, where they will share in seven minutes the essence of their experiences, stories, evidence, projects, cases or innovations that are of relevance to the topic of the Annual Meeting and may be of value to others.

Presenters will repeat their presentation four times in a row, to four different groups of people, who will move in small groups from one station to another. Participants will learn from each presenter and have an opportunity for a brief exchange. Helpers will take notes of ideas and inputs of the different groups. This provides a unique opportunity for presenters for a creative mix of ideas and brainstorming on their inputs.

These short presentations will be supported by blog entries on the GFRAS Annual Meeting website.

Find more information on the shift and share methodology at

By using this form, participants can apply for this section. Chosen inputs will be communicated timely, and displayed on the GFRAS GAM website.

1500 Caracteres restantes
Please submit your finalised, innovative, creative, and easy-to-read blog text to be uploaded to the website, including part of the content foreseen for the presentation (enough to raise people’s interest, but not as much as foreseen for the presentation), and a description of the relevance and value added for the Annual Meeting

We advise you to write it in another programme and then copy the text to here.
500 Caracteres restantes
Maximum 1 supporting picture, link, video, or other resource for the blog text – not mandatory

Please post here a link or upload a file below.