- Portability
- Personalised information
- Two way communication
- Timely delivery of information and alerts
- Location specificity
- Media mix
- Increased access to public info via RAS
(10) Bolarinwa, K.K., Oyeyinka, R.A. and Banmeke, T.O. 2014. Mobile phone applications for agricultural extension in Nigeria. In: Saravanan, R. (ed.) Mobile phones for agricultural extension: Worldwide mAgri innovations and promise for future. New Delhi, India: New India Publishing Agency.
- Both online and offline access
- Free or minimum charges for access
- Broad-based information coverage
- Improved monitoring and evaluation of extension services through efficient communication system
- Using mobile phone for accessing agricultural information is still not very popular
- Technical illiteracy among clients and extensionists limits scope
- Minimum use of smart phones by rural farmers, which limits farmers access to web portals, videos, animations etc.
- Cost
- Relevancy of information in a personal context
- Amount and type of content delivered is limited
- Mobilising women
- Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture among young people through developing new apps and services
- Partnership among multiple stakeholders increases the opportunity for better service
(11) Hatt et al. 2013. Op. cit.
- Wide reach
- Group-based approach
(12) Bolarinwa et al. 2014. Op. cit.
- Increasing mobile phone penetration in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries
- Low cost of initial investment
- Improved market access and protection against climatic shocks
- Reaching resource-poor, small-scale, and marginal land holding farmers
- Scaling up of pilot projects
- Long-term sustainability
- Authenticity of content
- Relevant content development
- Access to infrastructure (roads, market, credit, electricity, and so on) and lack of network coverage
- Inclusion of women
- Awareness creation on potential of mobile phone in RAS
- Lack of research on impact