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The costs of developing and rolling out bundled services that include rural advisory services vary depending on the product design. The branding and marketing costs are significant as the target market is sparsely distributed. The technology is an added cost, as the mobile platform should allow for registration, profiling of farmers, and special guided menus to access bundled services and other applications. These costs can be significantly lower if the partner already had existing infrastructure that can support the bundled services.

Further Reading

CTA. 2014. The economic landscape of digital agri-finance

Tufts. 2013. Working to give female farmers in Indonesia access to agricultural information and financial services.agricultural information and financial services.

CGIAR. 2014. How Do Smallholder Farmers Access Information


This paper was produced by Agri-FIn Mobile program under Mercy Corps with Financial support from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Photos: Mercy Corps

Compiled by: Carol Kakooza