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Potential Impact

Innovation platforms will not lead to immediate and direct impact as such, as their contribution is supporting people to talk to each other and to act together towards putting new ideas and solutions into practice. Often, the benefits from working with innovation platforms are found elsewhere than originally planned, because of their dynamic nature. The main potential of innovation platforms is to achieve changes in the behaviour of the platform members, which has the potential of achieving large tangible impacts in the long term (8)
(8) Duncan, A.J., Le Borgne, E., Maute, F. and Tucker, J. 2013. Impact of innovation platforms. Innovation Platforms Practice Brief 12. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
. Innovation platforms are not an appropriate mechanism to disseminate new technologies or practices at scale.

Further Reading

Misiko, M; Mundy, P and Ericksen, P. 2013. Innovation platforms to support natural resource management. Innovation platforms practice brief 11, ILRI, Nairobi.

Nederlof, E.S. and Pyburn, R. 2012. One finger cannot lift a rock. Facilitating innovation platforms to trigger institutional change in West Africa. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute.

Rooyen A van, Swaans K, Cullen B, Lema Z, Mundy P. 2013. Facilitating innovation platforms. Innovation Platforms Practice Brief 10. ILRI.

Tennyson, R. 2005. The brokering guidebook: Navigating effective sustainable development partnerships. International Business Leaders Forum, London.

Training Material

Centre for Development Innovation. Knowledge co-creation portal: Multi-stakeholder processes. Tools

Ramsar CEPA. A Guide to Participatory Action Planning and Techniques for Facilitating Groupsand Techniques for Facilitating Groups: Supporting people taking action for the wise use of wetlands and other natural resources through an integrated approach to planning communication, education, participation and awareness raising. Page 77-85

Tennyson, R. 2003. The Partnering Toolbook. The International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).