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Noor Agro Group
Noor Agro Group (NAG) is for profit, non-sectarian and non-political, independent company established in 1993. The initial objective of the company was to actively contribute to the agriculture sector by providing certified wheat seeds to the farmers as well as provision of other agricultural inputs such as high quality fertilizers, agro machinery, farm irrigation instruments, and green houses, to name a few. The business partnership has gradually expanded to neighboring Tajikistan, Dubai and China. With the expansion of business, NAG’s area of intervention and networking with the local farmers, other likeminded organizations, donors and local governance as well as line ministries has increased substantially. The major donors to NAG to date are: USAID, FAO, USDA, European Commission, Chemonics, IRD, ARD, PRTs, FAO, IFDC, PHDP, HLP, World Vision, Madera, Minist
  • Private Sector
    Kart-E-Char Street 1
    +93 (0)202 501 527
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    23. 06. 2014