
  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: Liberty Galvin

    INGENAES Info Sheet

    Families need to eat certain foods to help them stay strong, healthy, productive and smart. One important nutrient that some foods provide is vitamin A. When you don’t get enough vitamin A from the foods you eat, you have trouble seeing at night and other vision problems, and you may become more vulnerable to other illnesses, such as diarrhea and measles. Children

  • Publication Year: 2017
    Author: Kathleen Colverson

    INGENAES Tip Sheet

    In many Latin American countries, coffee is considered one of the top export crops. Many rural families use coffee sales as a significant source of income, and in Honduras coffee production is around 26 percent of the 60 percent of total agricultural production (FAO, 2015). Coffee is an ideal crop for Honduras as there is limited arable land that is suitable for

  • Publication Year: 2017

    FSN Forum summary AEAS nutrition gender Page 01This document summarizes the online discussion What role can Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services play in realizing gender equality and improved nutrition?

  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: INGENAES

    INGENAES Activity Sheet

    Girls and women often have unequal status in a household which can have negative long-term outcomes. The effects of inequalities in terms of individual health and well-being are well documented. The consequences of poor nutrition include low birth weights, child and maternal mortality, disease, decreased work production, and poor classroom performance.

  • Publication Year: 2016
    Author: INGENAES

    NGENAES Activity Sheet

    Child and maternal malnutrition – in particular child underweight, child micronutrient deficiencies, poor breastfeeding practices, and anemia – are by far the largest nutrition-related health burdens at the global level. “Cultural norms” are sometimes responsible for contributing to these issues and can be analyzed if the intra-household consumption patterns are
