Blog: Reporting the challenges of extension agents in Ognu State. Nigeria

apantaku 2The findings show that some of the challenges are grounded in farmers’ poverty and a low availability of capital and land; the high cost and also availability of labour. Other resons are subsistence production; poor post-harvest facilities and perishing produce (especially vegetables and fruits); poor pricing of farmers’ produce; and unprofitable agribusiness. In the financail sector late and untimely approval and release of loans or credits are hindering development  as well.

These challenges make it difficult for farmers to adopt recommended technologies, as the environment and circumstances are not conducive for willing farmers to adopt them. Furthermore the poor funding of extension service; poor remuneration of extension agents; inadequate facilities for extension agents make the situation worse. It was recommended that government and private agencies, as well as wealthy private individuals should create enabling environment and policies to address the challenges identified . The State and Local governments need to create enabling environment for mechanization of agricultural activities, to reduce dependence.

by Samson Apantaku, Nigeria