Zambia remains one of the countries with the highest levels of malnutrition on the African continent, despite increasing investment to curb the situation. Similarly, Zambia continues to perform poorly on gender equality. Evidence from the Zambian Demographic Health Survey reveals that in comparison to men, women have less education, lower literacy levels, and less exposure to mass media, which directly affects their position in their households as well as society (CSO 2015).
The Government of the Republic of Zambia has formulated a Livestock Development Policy to guide the effective implementation of activities and programmes in the livestock sub-sector. The Policy defines the overall objective and sets specific priority policy guidelines and strategies for achieving the vision of Government for livestock development.
This is the final draft of Zambia's National Agriculture Policy (NAP). The revised NAP 2012-2030 provides policy recommendations and action areas to enable agribusiness to produce and commercialise in an environment with clear rules that are predictable and stable, with the government focusing on facilitating, supporting and providing incentives for productive activities.
This manual is designed to provide guidelines on key elements of participatory extension approach. It is recommended for all field workers in the Agricultural sector and development workers involved in the facilitation of community development.
This manual describes some technical aspects in Monitoring and Evaluation for field extension workers. It describes some procedures in indicator setting, use of various tools and sources of information that is used for monitoring purposes.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives has adopted the participatory Extension Approach (PEA) and institutionalized it as the Extension Methodology, to be used in Agricultural Extension.
This document is a draft of the National Fisheries Policy. The aim of the policy is to provide an overall national vision for the development of the sector. The National Fisheries Policy seeks to give substance to the national fisheries vision.
This document highlights the Vision, Policies, and detailed Strategies for the development of the Zambian Agricultural Sector during the period 2004-2015. The main thrust of the National Agricultural Policy are increased production, sector liberalization, commercialization, promotion of public and private sector partnerships and provision of effective services that will ensure sustainable agricultural growth.