This is the final draft report of the the Policy and Investment Framework (PIF) for Ethiopia's agricultural sector. The PIF provides a strategic framework for the prioritisation and planning of investments that will drive Ethiopia’s agricultural growth and development. It is a 10-year road map for development that identifies priority areas for investment and estimates the financing needs to be provided by Government and its evelopment partners. It is anchored to, and aligned with, the national vision of becoming a middle income country by 2020 together with a number of key policy and strategic statements.
A Power Point Presentation on a paper adressing motivations and inefficiencies in investment in extension as well as lessons for reform of extension.
This document describes the strategic direction, objectives, major targets and implementation strategies of agricultural and rural development in Ethiopia. The main objective of the GTP is to achieve accelerated and sustained growth that contributes to poverty eradication and achievement of MDGs.
This paper provides an in-depth review of the agricultural extension system of DRC to identify strategies and practical actions to transform the system to better respond to the knowledge needs in a rapidly-changing agriculture and food sector. This review includes analyses of its policies and legal framework, organization and management, links to critical institutions, and capacity and incentive of different actors in the system.
IFPRI Policy Note
This note provides a summary of the current state of agricultural extension in the DRC and identifies important opportunities to address the many challenges agricultural extension in DRC faces in terms of institutional set-up, funding mechanism, capacity strengthening of extension service providers, and delivery method and tools.
This document describes the proceedings of the workshop "Transforming Agricultural Extension System and Accelerating Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo", held on 26 - 27 June 2012, organised by the Democratic Republic of Congo Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The purpose of this set of proceedings is to present a diagnosis of the extension system in the DRC and communicate the key messages on strategies to inform agricultural extension reform efforts.
Power Point Presentation on Agricultural Extension Policy Fromulation in Cambodia.
Power Point Presentation of a study on farmers needs and want in terms of learning and adoption of new agricultural technologies and the level of adoption of new agricultural practices by farmers.
Power Point Presentation held by William Bradley, Agriculture Officer with USAID/Cambodia, remarking on agricultural extension services and USAID project HARVEST Cambodia.
This article aims to present the evolution of the main facts in Brazilian RAS and its recent history, focusing on institutional and legal changes, showing some relevant data derived from official sources with support from specialized literature.
Institutionalized rural advisory services in Brazil emerged during the 1950s and played an important role in the modernization of some sectors of its agriculture. However, they faced many difficulties that resulted in a long term crisis, which only recently began to be solved. Despite the progress of public policies, huge challenges remain in the way of providing quality and continuous services to all farmers.
Power Point Presentation held at the Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services International Conference in Nairobe, 15. - 18. November 2011.
The purpose of their visit was to pay a courtesy call to Ministry of Agriculture and Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA) to explore and concretize plans for the upcoming Africa-wide Symposium on Advisory/Extension Service to be held in Gaborone next year 2013.
The Ministry of Agriculture of Buthan presents its revised RNR extension policy of 2009. It outlines what is the role of extension and how it must function henceforth in terms of bringing about necessary positive changes and sustainable development in agriculture. The revised RNR extension policy is kept broad enough to cover all essential features/aspects and kept short enough to be more user-friendly, practical and realistic. It will facilitate extension system to develop and grow in a comprehensive and holistic manner. It will provide the necessary framework to stimulate learning and growth among farming communities. It will act as a deliberate means to build a firm foundation for alleviating poverty and translating GNH concept into concrete actions at the grassroots institution and community level.
Le Livre Blanc doit être la référence pour la conception et la mise en œuvre des projets et des programmes de développement agricole et rural, les principes qu’il contient devant désormais leur être appliqués tant par les Services de l’Etat que par les Partenaires dans la négociation de ces projets et programmes.Ce Livre Blanc constitue une plate forme nationale consensuelle qui doit désormais servir de socle stratégique et méthodologique pour l’élaboration de la politique nationale en matière de conseil aux producteurs, et notamment pour l’opérationnalisation du Plan d’Action Conseil Agricole en vue de la définition des programmes et budgets à moyen et long terme dans ce domaine.
For the agriculture sub-sector, the constraints/challenges (organized marketing, low yields in small-scale agriculture, lack of drainage/irrigation, limited research/development, outdated farming practices/equipment, inadequate packaging & grades/standards, limited Government land available for agriculture & land tenure insecurity) facing the sector is determining the policies. Therefore, the [policy] focus will be on: accelerating the diversification of both local/export-oriented agriculture, promoting agro-processing and value adding as a means of expanding opportunities and increasing the income of the rural sector, actively promoting market/trade expansion both locally and internationally, increasing the efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of the sector, and improving and conserving the natural/productive resource base to ensure long-term sustainable productivity/ viability.
A New Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP) has been devised and introduced in Bangladesh in 1996. The goal of the NAEP is to: “Encourage the various partners and agencies within National Agricultural Extension System (NAES) to provide efficient and effective services which compliment and reinforce each other; in an effort to increase the efficiency and productivity of agriculture in Bangladesh”.
Policy Summary Note.
The broad objective of the agricultural policy is to facilitate and accelerate technological transformation with a view to becoming self-sufficient in food production and improve the nutritional status of the population.
Agricultural extension is a key component of the strategies and objectives of the Government's agricultural policy. As part of the Government.s responsibility for the establishment of policies, regulations and projects that will ensure sustained agricultural production, the need for developing a New Agricultural Extension Policy was felt.
This document presents a revised National Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP) which sets extension policy directions for transferring technologies to crop, fisheries and livestock sector development. Here, key elements of lesson learnt from existing policy, macroeconomic scenario, agro ecology /bio-ecological zones and current issues in agriculture such as natural disaster, production stagnation, land ownership and tenancy, poor soil health status, decreasing agricultural land, irrigation water scarcity, lack of good agricultural practices, high demand of quality seeds/planting materials etc., livestock and fishery issues including emerging challenges and perspectives have been pointed out for strong consideration.
Power Point Presentation on the New Agricultural Extension Policy.
In the face of declining resources, national extension services need to review their priorities and modes of delivery. A policy framework that provides the national extension service and other actors with strategic direction can help to ensure that resources are targeted to where they are needed most in line with client needs and national priorities; that extension staff receive the appropriate training to carry out their duties; and that scarce resources are used more effectively through partnerships with NGOs and the private sector and use of information and communication technologies where appropriate. Monitoring and evaluating performance based on stakeholder feedback is also crucial to ensuring that extension staff skills remain up to date and relevant to client needs.
SPC Policy Brief 12/2010