This landscape study provides an overview of agriculture in Cambodia as well as the country’s extension system. It also provides information on the prevalence of poverty, nutrition, and gender-related issues in the country with special focus on rural areas. In addition, it summarizes Cambodia’s current agriculture and nutrition policy, and it also reviews several on-going projects by the U.S. government and other donors in the country related to agriculture extension, gender, and nutrition.
With the theme of "Extension Services for Better Well-being," this agricultural extension policy document aims to support, facilitate, and coordinate the work of all extension services providers in Cambodia so that farmers and farming communities receive regular extension services and timely, adequate, accessible, and adaptable technical information.
Power Point Presentation on Agricultural Extension Policy Fromulation in Cambodia.
Power Point Presentation of a study on farmers needs and want in terms of learning and adoption of new agricultural technologies and the level of adoption of new agricultural practices by farmers.
Power Point Presentation held by William Bradley, Agriculture Officer with USAID/Cambodia, remarking on agricultural extension services and USAID project HARVEST Cambodia.