Welcome to the Nutrition-Sensitive Extension Library!
The GFRAS Nutrition Working Group (NWG) collected and organized the materials in this library so that extensionists, program developers, researchers, and decision makers would be able to access existing resources related to agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS), and nutrition. Growing attention to the need to make food systems more responsive to human nutrition has motivated related AEAS activities, yet NWG members identified that project-level materials were often hard to find. It is our hope that by making resources available in a searchable platform, individuals working in this area can build off of the experience of previous activities and effectively meet the needs and opportunities that they encounter.
Do you have a resource that you would like to make available in the library? Please submit it here!
About the Nutrition Working Group:
The NWG aims to bring global attention to leveraging RAS for improved nutrition by engaging relevant stakeholders: practitioners, researchers, donors, etc. It was initiated by GFRAS, the INGENAES project, and FAO in 2016.
Maria Paz Santibanez
Effective Integration Of Nutrition Into Extension And Advisory Services And Mainstreaming Nutrition Into Agriculture Case Studies Notes: Chile
The "Technical Advisory Service for Peasant Families of the San Nicolás dry lands, Ñuble Region" is an extension program being implemented in this district from the South-Central Zone of Chile under the rural extension team of the Development Program Local (PRODESAL), dependent on the Department of Rural Development (DDR) of the Municipality of San Nicolás.
This initiative aims to promote diversification, sustainable production, and food preservation; and sensitize the families of the San Nicolás district about the importance of good nutrition.
Effective Integration Of Nutrition Into Extension And Advisory Services And Mainstreaming Nutrition Into Agriculture Case Studies Notes: Uganda
The “Secure Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in West Nile region, Uganda”, also referred to as the Migration Project, is implemented in Uganda with settlements with the largest number of refugees -Rhino Camp (Arua district) and Bidi (Yumbe district), by two local NGOs -Agency for Accelerated Rural Development (AFARD) and PALM Corps- in partnership with Horizont3000.
The intervention targeted both the host community and refugees and aimed to bridge the gap between rehabilitation and development by mitigating the effects of relief aid on thedevelopment process of West Nile Region. The expected results were 1) improved nutrition status of 750 targeted households (60% female headed) in refugees and host communities, 2) profitable sustainable agriculture practiced by 750 households (67% female headed) in refugees and host communities. The expected outcome is that refugees and host communities have secure livelihoods and contribute to sustainable development within the resettlement areas.
Improved nutrition through agricultural extension and advisory services
As part of the South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI), this paper focuses on approaches to incorporating such nutrition content into the agricultural extension curriculum.Three state agricultural universities in Tamil Nadu, united Andhra Pradesh,and Bihar were used as case studies for the curriculum review. Through these case studies, face-to-face consultations at the national level down to program implementation at the village level have been developed. These include consultative workshops, and a conceptual framework and strategy for incorporating nutrition into extension curriculum development to improve nutrition outcomes.
Food security, food systems and food sovereignty in the 21st century: A new paradigm required to meet Sustainable Development Goals
Article in Nutrition & Dietetics, Dietitians Association of Australia.
About the author: Karen E. Charlton, PhD, APD, RPHNutrKaren E. Charlton, PhD, APD, RPHNutr Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong
Agriculture for improved nutrition: The current research landscape
Background. Concern about food security and its effect on persistent undernutrition has increased interest in how agriculture could be used to improve nutritional outcomes in developing countries. Yet the evidence base for the impact of agricultural interventions targeted at improved nutrition is currently poor. Objective. To map the extent and nature of current and planned research on agriculture for improved nutrition in order to identify gaps where more research might be useful.Methods. The research, which was conducted fromApril to August 2012, involved developing a conceptual framework linking agriculture and nutrition, identifying relevant research projects and programs, devising and populating a “template” with details of the research projects in relation to the conceptual framework, classifying the projects, and conducting a gap analysis. Results. The study identified a large number of research projects covering a broad range of themes and topics. There was a strong geographic focus on sub-Saharan Africa, and many studies were explicitly concerned with nutritional impacts on women and children. Although the study revealed a diverse and growing body of research, it also identified research gaps. Few projects consider the entire evidence chain linking agricultural input or practice to nutritional outcomes. There is comparatively little current research on indirect effects of agriculture on nutrition, or the effect of policies or governance, rather than technical interventions. Most research is focused on undernutrition and smallfarmer households, and few studies target consumers generally, urban populations, or nutrition-related non communicable diseases. There is very little work on the cost-effectiveness of agricultural interventions. Conclusions. On the basis of these findings, we make suggestions for research investment and for broader engagement of researchers and disciplines in developing approaches to design and evaluate agricultural programsfor improved nutrition.
Food security and nutrition: building a global narrative towards 2030
In October 2018, at its 45th session, the UnitedIn October 2018, at its 45th session, the United Nations (UN) Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested the High Level Panel of Expert on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to prepare a report that takes stock of its contributions in order to inform future CFS actions on food security and nutrition (FSN) for all in the context of the 2030 Agenda andthe Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The HLPE was specifically asked to outline a forward looking, global narrative on FSN that draws on previous HLPE publications and considers recent developments in order to provide strategic guidance towards the achievement of the SDGs, especially SDG 2. In responding to this request, this report articulates a global narrative that builds on what we know about the current situation with respect to FSN concepts, outcomes, drivers and critical policy directions that are vital for meeting SDG 2 targets and the entire 2030 Agenda. Drawing on the findings of previous HLPE reports over the past decade, as well as the broader scientific literature, the key messages of this report are:
1) There is an urgent need for strengthening and consolidating conceptual thinking around FSN to prioritize the right to food, to widen our understanding of food security and to adopt afood systems analytical and policy framework.
2) FSN outcomes in recent years show thee xtent to which the global community is falling short on Agenda 2030 targets, especiallySDG 2, while food systems face a range of challenges – and some opportunities –linked to major trends in the drivers of foodsystem change.
3) Policy approaches and actions for FSN, inlight of the diverse challenges facing foodsystems, will require critical policy shifts andsupport for enabling conditions that uphold all dimensions of food security.These points are illustrated with brief case studies that draw on a wide range of experiences and contexts.